Protein Rich Treatment

Protein rich skin treatments are:

  • Completely safe and 100% natural
  • Non-invasive and require no surgery
  • Believed effective at treating many skin conditions
  • A viable alternative to other cosmetic treatments
  • Affordable and accessible to both men and women


What to Expect Before and After the Procedure

Most protein rich skin procedures take about 45 minutes. Before the treatment, patients should stop taking any medications that influence platelet function, including some herbs and over-the-counter pain medications. You should consult with your physician before discontinuing any medication, though.

Be gentle with your skin following the procedure. It may be slightly red, tender or bruised. You may also feel tingling or pressure where the needles were introduced. These side effects are temporary. Using moisturizers that contain natural ingredients can help replenish the moisture barrier, which is essential for healing.

Because skin cells need time to develop, you might not notice the results right away. The full effects of a protein rich  skin procedure can typically show up within a few weeks or months. The benefits can last for up to 18 months. It is recommended for people to have maintenance treatments to maintain their results.


How do protein rich skin treatments work?

The protein rich skin treatment process is very straightforward and appointments last around 45 minutes. We begin by taking a small sample of blood, like a blood test. We separate the blood until we have the plasma we’re looking for.

That plasma contains the essential growth factors we need to help regenerate your skin and make repairs. Once ready, we perform tiny protein rich treatment injections under the eyes then microneedle the entire face.